jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009

Natalie Appleton: 'Oasis will never split up'

La ex cantante de Old Saints Natalie Appleton - indico que Oasis nunca se separara. Ella reveló que la banda estaba "devastada", por haber cancelado el pasado domingo (23 de agosto) la apariencia como banda titular en V Festival de Chelmsford, debido a que Gallagher estaba enfermo, y ademas se burló de los rumores de que están al borde de la separacion. "Oasis morirán antes de separarse ... van a continuar indefinidamente hasta que sean ancianos ", explicó. "Los rumores son basura absoluta. Incluso en su cama Liam prometio volver a los escenarios." Añadió que Gallagher "estaba muy feliz" de que Snow Patrol y Keane tocaran covers de Oasis en el festival (Daily Mirror).

Natalie Appleton: 'Oasis will never split up' - Daily Gossip Liam Gallagher's sister-in-law – former All Saints singer Natalie Appleton – says Oasis will never split up. She revealed that the band were "devastated" they had to cancel last Sunday's (August 23) headline appearance at V Festival Chelmsford due to Gallagher being ill, and scoffed rumours that they are on the verge of splitting. "Oasis will die before they split up… they're going to go on forever until they are old men," she explained. "The rumours are absolute rubbish. Even in his sick bed Liam was vowing to get back on stage." She added that Gallagher was "so happy" that Snow Patrol and Keane covered Oasis songs at the festival (Daily Mirror).

Fuente: nme.com